HealthPRO Canada News

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Possession of digital technology in the supply chain isn’t enough – we need to leverage it

Advice from Dr. Randy V. Bradley at this year’s HSCN Conference If you were hoping that your clients were going to cut you some slack because you’re a healthcare organization, think again. “You are...

A Passion for Supply Chain: Interview with Jacques Chaput

Can AI succeed in healthcare?

National Collaboration and Supplier Education Drive Impro...

Interview with Carolyn Hoffman, President and CEO of the ...

How having a dedicated contact to manage contracts create...

From Hospital to Health Village: Change is Coming to Heal...

HealthPRO's Cynthia Valaitis named one of the 100 Influen...

HealthPRO Completes 17 Supply Agreements for Sole Source ...

Mitigating Risk through Post Award Assessment Service