Reporting Supply Disruptions
Supply disruptions continue to challenge our healthcare system. HealthPRO’s ability to help manage these disruptions rely heavily on accurate and timely information from you, our suppliers.
Advance notice is crucial to mitigating the impact on Canadian patients, so if you are aware of a current or impending supply disruption for a HealthPRO-contracted product, please use the forms below to share those updates with HealthPRO.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation as we work to support our members and navigate the global supply chain.
Supply Disruption Forms
Please download the form linked below. After filling in all details, please send to us by clicking "submit" on the form itself.
Materials Management Supply Disruptions Form
Materials Management Supply Disruptions Form
Please download the form linked below. After filling in all details, please send to us by clicking "submit" on the form itself.
Nutrition and Food Services Supply Disruptions Form
Nutrition and Food Services Supply Disruptions Form