Who We Are Reaching

By collaborating with healthcare stakeholders across Canada and in countries worldwide, we are working to advance leading procurement standards and practices on a national level.
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology (CADTH)

Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology (CADTH)

CADTH is an independent, not-for-profit organization responsible for providing health care decision-makers with objective evidence to help make informed decisions about the optimal use of health technologies, including drugs, diagnostic tests, medical, dental, and surgical devices and procedures.
Canadian College of Healthcare Leaders (CCHL)

Canadian College of Healthcare Leaders (CCHL)

The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) is a national, member-driven, non-profit association dedicated to ensuring that the country’s health system benefits from capable, competent and effective leadership. 
Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)

Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)

The Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) is the national voluntary organization of pharmacists committed to patient care through the advancement of safe, effective medication use in hospitals and other collaborative healthcare settings.

All pharmacy products contracted by HealthPRO are evaluated against the rigorous guidelines and recommendations of the CSHP.


CMEPP is a hospital member shared service organization dedicated to driving hard dollar savings for healthcare organizations related to medical equipment service contracts. CMEPP is owned and governed by its hospital members, with all profits returned to the hospitals at the end of the financial year. CMEPP's flexible approach solves clients’ most challenging issues and delivers hard dollar savings that can be reinvested in patient care.
The Conference Board of Canada Council on Innovation Procurement in Health Care

The Conference Board of Canada Council on Innovation Procurement in Health Care

The Council for Innovation Procurement in Health Care focuses on how to enable a shift from cost control to value creation. The Council identifies actions that will help use innovation procurement tools effectively to increase value for money, shares knowledge and good practices related to innovation procurement processes and aims to enhance the capacity of organizations to transform their procurement processes and improve performance.


GHX provides an open and neutral electronic trading exchange to improve efficiencies and reduce costs for the healthcare supply chain. GHX is owned and governed by representatives from both buyers and suppliers of healthcare products and services.
GS1 Canada

GS1 Canada

GS1 is a global organization dedicated to the design and implementation of global standards to improve the efficiency and visibility of supply and demand chains across multiple sectors including healthcare. HealthPRO is committed to supporting its members and suppliers to implement these standards in efforts to enhance patient safety and achieve supply chain efficiencies. HealthPRO is represented on the GS1 Canada Carenet Healthcare Sector Board and on the Healthcare Provider Deployment Committee.
Health Canada's Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee on Drug Shortages

Health Canada's Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee on Drug Shortages

The Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee (MSSC) on Drug Shortages includes representatives of industry associations, federal, provincial and territorial governments, and health professional associations, coming together to address drug shortages in a collaborative and coordinated manner.

HealthPRO has been an active participant in the MSSC since its inception in 2012, helping to shape national communications protocols around drug shortages and leading the development of the Guidance Document to Mitigate Drug Shortages through Contracting and Procurement.
Longwoods Breakfast with the Chiefs

Longwoods Breakfast with the Chiefs

Breakfast with the Chiefs is an educational session that provides invited Chief Executives the opportunity to share new ideas, policies and/or best practices with colleagues. Speakers are CEOs, notable researchers, cabinet ministers, deputies, or leaders from the academic community.
Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Canada

Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) Canada

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada is devoted to the prevention of medication errors and the promotion of safe medication use.

As advancing patient safety is a top priority at HealthPRO, we ensure ISMP recommendations are included in our pharmacy product evaluation process.
National Health Service (NHS)

National Health Service (NHS)

The National Health Service (NHS) in Great Britain is a comprehensive public-health service under government administration.

HealthPRO has developed a number of relationships within the NHS for the purposes of sharing knowledge and leading practices.


OECM is a trusted not-for-profit collaborative sourcing partner for Ontario’s education sector, broader public sector, and other not-for-profit organizations. OECM contracts with innovative, reputable suppliers to offer a comprehensive choice of quality products and services, and generate significant savings for their customers.
Ontario Hospital Association (OHA)

Ontario Hospital Association (OHA)

The Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) is the voice of Ontario’s public hospitals. Founded in 1924, the OHA uses advocacy, education and partnerships to build a strong, innovative and sustainable healthcare system for all Ontarians.
Supply Chain Advancement Network (SCAN) in Health

Supply Chain Advancement Network (SCAN) in Health

SCAN Health is an International Knowledge Translation Platform (NCE-IKTP) funded to accelerate knowledge translation and address key problems, challenges and opportunities of high strategic importance for health systems in Canada and around the globe.

Spanning five countries, including Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada – and with over 100 partners from industry, healthcare, government and academia – the Network enables the exchange of information and expertise to accelerate the implementation of healthcare supply chain best practices around the world.

HealthPRO has been a member of SCAN Health since its beginnings and plays an active role in many of their initiatives.
The National Institute of Supply Chain Leaders (NISCL)

The National Institute of Supply Chain Leaders (NISCL)

The National Institute of Supply Chain Leaders (NISCL) is the national voice for advancing and promoting the supply chain management profession.

Many HealthPRO Canada employees have earned the NISCL’s Certified Supply Chain Leader (CSCL) designation, the most comprehensive in the field of supply chain management and is balanced to deliver advanced supply chain management knowledge and high-level business skills.