Putting Knowledge to Work

We bring together the knowledge and practical expertise of a range of industry professionals—including our highly skilled team members, the staff at our 1,300 member healthcare facilities, as well as information mined from international relationships—to achieve best-in-class contracts.

Our Commitment to Quality

While HealthPRO works to satisfy the healthcare sector’s need to realize ever-greater savings, we remain staunchly committed to sourcing quality products and services. We combine our knowledge and the expertise of our 1,300-member healthcare facilities to ensure that only the highest-quality products are awarded contracts.

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Innovating through Engagement

HealthPRO uses a unique collaborative model for knowledge-gathering, deploying advisory committees designed to improve national decision-making. We led the establishment of the Clinical Contract Advisory Committee (CCAC)—the first national body of its kind—to optimize engagement between clinicians and procurement professionals, who together design even better contracts for the Canadian healthcare market.

Data-Informed Decision-Making

We use data as an increasingly important tool to inform new strategies, guide clinical decision-making, and help to get best value from our members’ healthcare spending.

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Global Outlook, National Reach

The impact of globalization on manufacturing and distribution of medical devices and medicines cannot be ignored. HealthPRO continuously monitors and assesses leading initiatives in countries such as the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the United States, Australia and New Zealand in order to improve access to essential products and identify leading practices that can be brought to the Canadian marketplace.