Ethics & Code of Conduct

HealthPRO Canada commits itself to the highest standards of professional practice, supporting both the Supply Chain Management Association Code of Ethics and the Ontario Broader Public Sector Supply Chain Code of Ethics. All HealthPRO Canada employees uphold their principles and conduct themselves according to these codes.

Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA) Code of Ethics

A. Standards of Conduct

Members will conduct themselves in a manner that a reasonable and informed third party would conclude as being appropriate to a professional in supply chain management.

1. Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest

Members should exercise professional judgment and discretion in order to avoid any apparent or actual conflict of interest when performing their duties. Should a conflict of interest arise, the member is required to disclose their interests to their employer and/or other impacted parties as soon as possible. Members should consider removing themselves from any decisions in which they have a conflict of interest until express direction from the appropriate authority is obtained.

2. Protection of Confidential or Sensitive Information

Where a member has been privy to confidential or sensitive information, it is their responsibility to ensure that it remains so. Such information must not be used for any personal gain or advantage. Information given in the course of a member’s professional activity should be forthright and not intended to mislead or deceive others.

3. Business Relationships

Supply Chain Management Association Members should maintain relationships with suppliers and third parties in a manner that contributes to and promotes fair competition in the market and protects the interests and reputation of his or her employer. Members should not use their position to garner personal favours or advantages.

4. Gifts, Gratuities and Hospitality Inducements

When permitted by employing organizations, members must ensure that the objectivity of their decisions is not compromised or unduly influenced by the acceptance of gifts, gratuities, or hospitalities of any kind. Members should be discerning in their business and social relationships and activities and, through them, seek to enhance the integrity of the profession.

5. Environmental and Social Responsibilities

Members shall exercise their responsibilities in a manner that promotes and provides opportunities for the protection and preservation of the natural environment. Members shall favour the use and distribution of resources in an efficient, effective, and ethical manner. Members will be cognizant of the social rights extended to all people, including the conventions of the International Labour Organization with respect to labour standards, and will encourage and support supplier diversity. These attributes of sustainability should guide members in their decisions, and in implementing the policies and values of the organizations they represent.

Employees and employees with an SCMP Designation will perform their roles and duties based on the following principles of professional practice:

1. Professional Competency

To maintain their professional competency by staying informed of, and complying with, the best supply chain management practices, employees retain their professional certification in good standing.

2. Professionalism

To provide professional advice to their employer or any other impacted party to the best of their knowledge, recognizing that any final decision is the prerogative of the senior authority within the employing organization; to act with courtesy and due consideration in dealings with other professionals and in all business relationships.

3. Honesty and Integrity

To maintain an unimpeachable standard of integrity and honesty in all their business relationships both inside and outside the organizations in which they are employed.

4. Responsible Management

To optimize, without prejudice, the use of resources for which they are responsible so as to provide the maximum value as defined by the organizations they represent.

5. Serving the Public Good

To use their position to advance the interests and well-being of society; to denounce all forms of business practice which may compromise value or bring discredit to the organization and/or society.

6. Compliance with Legal Obligations

To be aware of and comply with (a) all laws, regulations, by-laws and standards that are relevant to supply chain management practices; (b) the SCMA’s or Corporation’s rules and regulations; and (c) contractual obligations that apply to the member or the member’s employer and both the letter and spirit of the Competition Act, together with any competition compliance guides published by SCMA or its Provincial and Territorial Institutes. Employees must not engage in or condone any activity or attempt to circumvent the clear intention of the law.

Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Supply Chain Code of Ethics

Goal: To ensure an ethical, professional and accountable BPS supply chain.

I. Personal Integrity and Professionalism

Individuals involved with Supply Chain Activities must act, and be seen to act, with integrity and professionalism. Honesty, care, and due diligence must be integral to all Supply Chain Activities within and between BPS organizations, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Respect must be demonstrated for each other and for the environment. Confidential information must be safeguarded. Participants must not engage in any activity that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest, such as accepting gifts or favours, providing preferential treatment, or publicly endorsing suppliers or products.

II. Accountability and Transparency

Supply Chain Activities must be open and accountable. In particular, contracting and purchasing activities must be fair, transparent, and conducted with a view to obtaining the best value for public money. All participants must ensure that public sector resources are used in a responsible, efficient, and effective manner.

III. Compliance and Continuous Improvement

Individuals involved with purchasing or other Supply Chain Activities must comply with this Code of Ethics and the laws of Canada and Ontario. Individuals should continuously work to improve supply chain policies and procedures, to improve their supply chain knowledge and skill levels, and to share leading practices.