HealthPRO Canada News

July 25, 2024

Championing Change: Sustainability and Indigenous-Led Healing in Healthcare

Championing Change article

We are proud to share recent environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives by HealthPRO Canada Members and Partners, showcasing their efforts in sustainability and community well-being.

Lower Mainland (BC), Medication Recycling  
Ever wonder what happens to the medication that is dispensed in a hospital, but then goes unused, perhaps because the patient was discharged? Often, unused oral medications and plastic packaging from hospitals are typically incinerated, contributing to air pollution and health risks. A recent study by Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services, in collaboration with two other urban hospitals in British Columbia and featured in the International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, shows that recycling these medications could significantly reduce environmental impact, yield substantial cost savings, and divert 461,000 doses from incineration, saving an estimated $415,000 annually. Read more here and consider implementing this simple, sustainable practice at your hospital to save money and the planet.  

UHN (ON), Indigenous Healing Garden 
UHN’s Indigenous Healing Garden, now in its fourth season, is thriving with the four sacred medicines: sweetgrass, sage, cedar, and tobacco. The Indigenous-led garden follows traditional practices and protocols for planting a Gitigan (the Anishinaabemowin word for garden), using plants native to the area or part of traditional medicines used by Indigenous nations for their healing properties to help improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. 

“We are honoured to support the Michener Gitigan, UHN’s first Indigenous Healing Garden. None of this would have happened without the leadership of the Indigenous Health Program (IHP), plus a great partnership with Michener Facilities and the Energy & Environment Team.  Instead of buying basic annual plants, UHN used its purchasing power for something more meaningful. Now the harvest is used by the many Patient Navigators in the IHP to bring comfort to patients. There are opportunities to learn and grow in the Gitigan all season long,” said Lisa Vanlint, Manager, Environmental Sustainability Energy & Environment Team, FM-PRO, University Health Network and Chair of HealthPRO Canada's Member-Led Sustainability Committee. 

Sandoz (QC), FSC-Certified Packaging 

Sandoz Canada Inc. has partnered with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to ensure that Sandoz’s packaging comes from an FSC certified forest and is environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable, protecting forests and biodiversity. In FSC-certified forests, carbon-storage capacity increases by 17% over a management cycle. Through practices such as avoided deforestation, peatland preservation, reforestation, and soil sequestration in agriculture, this initiative aims to reduce nearly seven gigatons of CO2 emissions annually by the end of this decade. This partnership demonstrates that when forests flourish, we all thrive.