HealthPRO Canada News

Board Member Spotlight - Mary Lee

Mary Lee

t drew you to a career in healthcare?  

I grew up in a family where working in the healthcare profession was seen as an honour. I had many cousins who worked as nurses, and this seemed like a good fit for me. My family was very supportive and proud to see another nurse in the family.  

In your view, what does the future of healthcare procurement look like? 

Driving data insights into purchasing practices and trends will be invaluable for members to help them understand their trends and forecast their needs.  Utilizing group purchasing power to ensure continuity and quality control is a key success factor in managing healthcare costs.   

What makes the mission of HealthPRO Canada meaningful to you?  

It is focused on creating innovative solutions to challenges and building connections within the system. It supports finding the "right" solution for each member, recognizing that it's not a "one size fits all" approach.   

With an accomplished and impressive career, what are you most looking forward to in this next chapter?  

I am looking forward to continue working for the betterment of Canadians and finding solutions to challenges in this new position with a new team. Being a part of delivering high quality care is very exciting.  

What are your personal interests outside of work? 

Getting back to my Newfoundland roots is key. I enjoy fishing, quading and spending time with family and friends, especially my mini labradoodle Cliff. And of course, playing pickleball... hoping to escape any injuries! 

Favourite quote or motto?  

"Always treat others with respect and how you would like to be treated."  

How has your background in nursing influenced your leadership style?  

I believe my background in nursing has influenced my leadership style as I am a very collaborative leader. I enjoy working on teams and nursing has always been a part of working in teams. I have learned to always treat others with respect and dignity, and being nonjudgmental is a key value of mine. Leadership is a journey, you can always improve and learn more, similar to nursing.